Chapter 1

THERE WAS A STIRRING rumour going around Dyllstra, a lie really, that the fishermen on the west side of Quardosia were, well– fishless. The stock markets were going down, yes, but by a certainly insignificant scale. Surely everyone knew that people were going broke because of the inflation of party games, gambling, and circus activities that were booming in the downtown areas.
And this all, of course, caused a weariness in the Royal Family, instigating a raise in taxes, to make everyone return to being the respectable, productive civilians they truly were.
Avoni thought the situation was all quite much, really.
“Excuse me?”
Avoni glanced up. Lena was looking at her expectantly. Avoni flashed a smile at her. Lena sighed, setting her glass of watered wine lightly down on the dinner table. The rings on her fingers twinkled. “Were you even listening to me?”
“You know very well that I was not listening to you. Don’t be a stiff.” Avoni glanced to the side, her hand tapping against the table impatiently. “And, do tell me, what are we waiting for exactly? Where’s the food that the old kings have dined on? Where is the fine roasted steak? Where is the sugar-coated–”
“Father’s coming over,” Lena said.
Avoni paused. She squinted down at her sister’s rings again. “Did you know that the rings you wear so proudly are made of highly concentrated dyfveri? Found on the Pareinon Mountains on the southside of Sylal. It certainly is a novelty. A rare alloy of–”
“Avoni,” Lena cut in. “I said, father’s coming over.”
Avoni stared at her, leaning back in her oversized seat. “Yes. I heard the first time you said it,” she admitted.
Lena seemed to be waiting. “And?”
“And what?” Avoni asked. “I won’t fuss because there is nothing to be done about it. You know that as much as I do.”
“Yes, but I did not think you would give up so easily.”
“I’m flattered. But the man, unfortunately, is our father– not a monstrous sea serpent. I shall last the evening.” She glanced at the doors again. “Perhaps.”
Lena sighed again. She looked like she wanted to say something else, twisting the loose ends of her blond hair around her index finger, but before she could let out a word, the double doors burst open, their grand father walking in the dining room.
Lord Vaughan was smiling for some reason Avoni could not decipher, his graying hair combed back and pinned together at the base of his neck. “Ah, children, children!” he said as a sort of greeting.
Lena did not look too happy about being referred to as a child. Avoni did not blame her.
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