Nico Cassar
Nico Cassar is a grade 11 student in French immersion. She likes comics, movies, and ultimate frisbee. Nico’s favourite subjects are English and history, and she loves bubble tea.
Bubble tea and Japanese cheesecake
Comfort Food
Plastic Beach by the Gorillaz
Favourite Song
Working as a UN diplomat
Dream Job
Articles about food and politics
What Do You Like To Write About?
Articles by
Nico Cassar
Arcane: The Perfect TV Show?
Nico Cassar reviews the critically acclaimed, adult animated adult TV show, Arcane.

I Found Heaven at Budweiser Stage
Nico Cassar recounts the wonders of her Conan Gray concert experience. All images by Nico Cassar.

Music in the Southern States
Nico Cassar explores the significance of music in the south through her mesmerizing photo collection. All images credited to Nico Cassar.

Guess the Teacher: Edition 3
Abhisha Sakthievel, Evan Rosen, and Nico Cassar interview a mystery Harbord teacher for Tigertalk's third edition of Guess the Teacher.

City Night Lights – A Photography Series
Nico Cassar produces a mesmerizing series of nighttime city photography. All photo credits to Nico Cassar.
About Harbord Tigertalk
Welcome to Tigertalk! Harbord Collegiate Institute's very own school newspaper. We bring school connection and student's voices to light through our monthly publications of literature, photography, reporting, interviews, art, and other mixed medias. Our small publication ranges from 10-15 members. Happy Reading!
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