Guess the Teacher: Edition 3

Hey Tigers! Welcome to the third edition of the Guess the Teacher column in the Tigertalk newspaper. Below is the transcript of an interview with one anonymous HCI teacher. Your job is to use your investigative and analytical skills to… Guess The Teacher!
You can submit your guess on Tigertalk’s Instagram @hcitigertalk. The winners as well as the mystery teacher will be revealed and be featured in our next edition!
Last edition's mystery teacher was Ms. Joseph! Congrats to everyone who guessed right!
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: What was your dream job as a child or high school student?
Mystery Teacher: “I knew I wanted to be a teacher since I was about 12. I also thought about being a criminal lawyer because there was this TV show called “Street Legal,” and I was obsessed with one of the characters who was this sassy criminal lawyer. But in the end, I always liked education. I even come from a family of teachers… uncles, great uncles, and other folks and people who taught at university so I was like “Yeah, teacher!” And I'm very, very happy I'm still a teacher.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: How long have you worked at HCI?
Mystery Teacher: “This is my 14th year at Harbord.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: Where did you grow up?
Mystery Teacher: “I grew up in Ajax, but I went to high school in Toronto so I commuted for years and then I stayed in Toronto for university. I went to the University of Toronto, I won't share my majors, that will give away who I am, probably.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: What is one hobby you could never give up?
Mystery Teacher: “Aside from spending time with my friends and family, I would say I'm a very avid reader. I read tons of books and tons of magazines, which is kind of rare these days.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: If you could be any animal, what would you be, and why?
Mystery Teacher: “I would be a sloth. It is my favourite animal. There's a picture of a sloth on the background of my phone. Sure it might get a bit boring but they're cute, beloved by all, and obviously very chill, so I'd definitely be a sloth.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: What was your first job?
Mystery Teacher: “Aside from teaching, I was a phone operator, I was a tutor. My very very first job though was working in an office stuffing envelopes for a day. I was not invited back for a second.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: How many people are in your family? Include pets!
Mystery Teacher: “I’m an only child and I have no pets. So there’s really only 3, my mom, my dad, and I.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: What was your favourite subject in school, and did it influence your career choice?
Mystery Teacher: “I’ll tell a story instead cause I don’t want to give away who I am. My school ran out of courses for me when I was in grade 12, because I didn't take any math or science. So, my favourite school experience outside of my favourite courses, I took grade 10 art when I was in grade 12, and the teacher was amazing and inspiring and kind. I got to be a bit of a leader for the younger students in the class and I got to reach back and try something interesting. I’m not really artistic but I really enjoyed the class and classroom environment the teacher made.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be and why?
Mystery Teacher: “The not so big secret amongst teachers, but maybe that most students don’t know, is that I’m writing a book. And I’m writing a book that’s involved with Canadian History so I would like to go back and meet some of the people who are being featured in my book. Some have passed away, and some have not, and I’ve interviewed over 25 people for the book, and there are still a lot more figures in the past in this part of Canadian history that I’d love to speak with and interview.”
Abhisha, Evan, and Nico: If you could visit any fictional world, where would you go and what would you do?
Mystery Teacher: “I really would probably go to the Barbieverse and try to deconstruct some of the toxic masculinity and hyperfemininity that exists in that world and support Barbie with her existential questions by listening and trying to maybe teach Ken to be less of an alpha male.”
Your guess options for this edition are:
- Mr. Magney
- Mr. Shalaby
- Mr. Steele
- Mr. Tiberio
Make your guesses for this secret teacher on Tigertalk’s Instagram poll on April 2, 2024 @hcitigertalk!
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Welcome to Tigertalk! Harbord Collegiate Institute's very own school newspaper. We bring school connection and student's voices to light through our monthly publications of literature, photography, reporting, interviews, art, and other mixed medias. Our small publication ranges from 10-15 members. Happy Reading!
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