Harbord Winter Activity Day 2024

In 2024, Winter Activity Day came back—and with a bang! Our Harbord Tigers participated in 12 different amazing winter activities across the city (and beyond) and had a blast! This year, Tigers could choose to do an activity at Harbord or at another location. The in-school activities included Indoor Sports and Activities, Movies, Board Games, Karaoke, and WACC (Whole of Africa and Caribbean Culture Club). From what I heard, these activities were incredibly fun-omenal! The out-of-school activities included Skiing & Snowboarding, Skating at Nathan Phillips Square, an Urban Hike, Ripley’s Aquarium, Rock Climbing, Lasertag & Arcade at the eZone, and Bowling & Lasertag at Playtime Bowl. Students surveyed about the out-of-school activities said they found all of them super fun as well! On Instagram, I saw pictures of all of these events (some particularly ‘aesthetic’ posts from the aquarium) and I could see the joy on all of my friends’ faces partaking in these activities!

I’d like to tell you all a little bit about my experience for Winter Activity Day. I was super lucky to be able to go on the Ski and Snowboard Trip to Snow Valley Resort. Although the Evan who had just been woken up by his 6:00 am alarm may disagree, I would now say it was definitely worth it! I had so much fun skiing with my friends down the freshly groomed slopes - and there were no lines to get back to the top. I was so grateful that I had the opportunity to ski again this winter—it reminded me of how much I love it!
Enough about me—let’s hear first hand from some Tigers about their experiences on Winter Activity Day!
Madison Hansraj (Grade 9) went to Ripley’s Aquarium, and says, “It was a wonderful time to experience with friends.”
Sean Chen (Grade 12) went on the Ski & Snowboard Trip and says, “It was my first time snowboarding! An amazing experience with lots of learning and falling! :D"
Like Sean, many Tigers learned to ski/snowboard for the first time—we’re proud of all of you!
Silver Wu (Grade 9) who went on the Urban Hike says, “It was really exciting meeting new people and learning about the environment!”
Ada Russell (Grade 9) went to Playtime Bowl for Bowling & Lasertag and comments, “It was really fun, the place was awesome and having to take the bus for an hour was worth it.”
Finally, a huge thank you to all of the students and staff involved in organizing these activities—it truly wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of the Harbord teachers and administrative staff involved in planning and hosting the WAD events. A big thank you also to the Winter Activity Day Committee led by Kenzie Patterson, and all the students who were so engaged and enthusiastic about participating in events taking place on this very special day! It was only because of your support that Winter Activity Day was able to run smoothly and inclusively! I don’t know about you Tigers, but after this year I can’t wait for WAD 2025!
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