Guess the Teacher: Edition 1
Hey Tigers! Welcome to the Guess the Teacher column in the Tigertalk newspaper! Below is the transcript of an interview with one anonymous HCI teacher! Your job is to use your investigative and analytical skills to Guess The Teacher!
What was your dream job as a child or high school student?
My dream job as a child was to be a waitress. I practiced serving people at my parents’ parties and later took French Immersion with the hope of becoming a flight attendant. Although I never became a flight attendant, I did accomplish French Immersion and waitressing .
What is one hobby you could never give up?
I don’t think I could ever give up gardening or anything to do with looking after trees. To me, it’s more than a hobby, but definitely an interest. I used to also really enjoy cooking, and I could never give that up - because I have to feed myself but right now it is a bit of a chore! Also, I could never give up going to concerts, as it rejuvenates me.
How long have you worked as a teacher, and how long have you worked at HCI?
I started teaching in Winnipeg, and I did adult education for sex workers including Home Ec., Self Care and Self Advocacy support. I moved to Ontario and started teaching in the public system in 2000 at Claude Watson. I then moved to Harbord after 2 years and have been here ever since 2002.
If you could be any animal, what would you be, and why?
I would totally be a deer. I am so jealous of them and their ability to run and jump with no sound or effort. Also, their hearing is superb - and I think they are beautiful animals. Though, I’m not jealous of the car accidents.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba, and lived there until I was 28.
What is one fun fact you like to tell people about yourself?
In high school, I tried my best to have the biggest hair possible so it wouldn’t fit in the school photo frame. I would get perms, and then backcomb it and hairspray it out.
What is your favourite place you have travelled to? This could be a city, country, park, etc.
I went to Nicaragua, and it’s only my favourite because it taught me the most. It was very hard to be there because of the extreme poverty and that is why it was my favourite—because it was such a struggle. It was a big eye-opening experience for me.
What is your favourite book or movie?
Picking a favourite is so hard! I really loved Barbie, especially coming from someone who was never allowed to have a Barbie doll. I think it’s superb and everyone should watch it! My favourite book would have to be Ishmael by Daniel Quinn because it talks about environmental issues and civilization’s conflicts. It is all told from a Gorilla’s point of view!
How many people are in your family? Include pets!
There are 5 of us, including myself. I have a husband and three children, alongside a female cat named Coco.
What is one quote that speaks to you personally?
I do appreciate “Work hard, play hard,” but I’ve never been one to put a quote at the end of my letters or anything like that. There are so many good words, I don’t want to just pick one.
** Send in your guesses for this secret Harbord teacher through the poll on our Instagram. Correct guesses will be featured in the next edition! **
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Welcome to Tigertalk! Harbord Collegiate Institute's very own school newspaper. We bring school connection and student's voices to light through our monthly publications of literature, photography, reporting, interviews, art, and other mixed medias. Our small publication ranges from 10-15 members. Happy Reading!
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