A Guide to Harbord Clubs
Hey Tigers! One of the things that makes Harbord so exciting is the wide range of clubs offered for all students to join. From Robotics to Choir, you’ll be sure to find at least one where you can shine!
As a Harbord student, I understand that all of the club announcements can sometimes be a bit stressful. Luckily, this article contains all the key information you need to decide which clubs are right for you and when they meet. Let’s begin!
Bent on Change
Firstly, we have Bent on Change, Harbord’s Gay-Straight Alliance, which works to make Harbord a safer and more inclusive space for 2SLGBTQ+ students. Bent on Change often does fun activities like trivia and Pride Month festivities. Interested in joining? Bent on Change meets on Wednesdays at lunch in room 125, and you can follow them on Instagram @bentonchange.
Cheerleading Club
Exciting news for Tigers interested in gymnastics, dance, or cheerleading! The Harbord Cheer Squad is hosting their first tryouts after school on Tuesday, October 3rd. Please talk to Ms. Jankowski, Ms. Garner-Pringle, or Ms. Fangrad about getting involved, as a permission form is required for tryouts.
Cover Band Club
Next up, we have the Harbord Cover Band Club. The Cover Band Club is looking for intermediate and advanced instrumentalists interested in performing with fellow musical peers! Keep your eyes peeled on the Instagram account @harbordcoverbandclub and your TDSB Connects App to stay tuned for more updates.

Art Club
Do you have a passion for the arts? If so, consider stopping by Harbord’s Creative Arts Club. The Creative Arts Club is a safe space for Tigers to eat their lunches and express themselves through art, whether that be doodling, singing, dancing, or more! Stop by on Wednesdays at lunch in room 026 or join the Google Classroom lthiibb for further updates!
Sending Sunshine
Are you looking for a fun and easy way to complete your volunteer hours and brighten an elderly person’s day? You might want to check out Sending Sunshine Club! Sending Sunshine is a charity that distributes handmade cards to seniors. They meet every Thursday at lunch in room 026 and their Google Classroom is czb7lsw.

Jewish Culture Club (JCC)
Harbord also offers a Jewish Culture Club. This club is open to all students, whether they identify as Jewish or not, and is a place where students can learn about Jewish culture and partake in fun activities like bake sales! Follow the Instagram @harbord.jcc or join the Google Classroom with code tmuglpk for further information.
Harbord Athletic Council (HAC)
Next up is Harbord’s Athletic Council! HAC aims to liven and strengthen the HCI community through athletic initiatives. In the past, HAC has run events such as the Terry Fox Run, Free Throw Challenge, and Student vs. Teacher dodgeball games—and they hope to accomplish even more this year. Follow HAC on Instagram @hciathletics for updates on all things athletics! #RestoreTheRoar
Portuguese Club
Calling all Tigers interested in learning about Portuguese culture. Join HCI’s Portuguese Culture Club to participate in fun activities, often in collaboration with Portuguese organizations or charities. All students are welcome - you don’t need to identify as or speak Portuguese to join! The Portuguese club meets in room 228 at lunch every Tuesday. The Google Classroom code is wzskebp.
Model United Nations (MUN)
Are you interested in learning more about the United Nations, international relations, or world politics in general? Come check out Harbord’s Model UN club. Model UN is a perfect fit for students looking to expand their research, public speaking, and leadership skills while analyzing world issues in a team. If Model UN receives enough dedicated students, the club will be able to attend multiple conferences, with the possibility of attending a conference in Miami! Come check the Model UN out on Tuesdays at lunch in room 120, follow the Instagram @harbordmun, or join the Google Classroom eklrctp.
Key Club
We all know that finding opportunities to complete volunteer hours can be tough, but joining Harbord’s Key Club is one of the best ways to complete your hours! The HCI Key Club is an organization where students can gain amazing leadership and teamwork skills while helping out their communities and completing volunteer service hours. The club meets every Thursday at lunch in room 222, and the Google Classroom code is nzakcng.
Taiko Drumming Club
Hey Tigers! Did you know that HCI is the only school in the TDSB with a Taiko Club? You may have seen Taiko drumming performances at HCI assemblies and thought about how cool it looks. Trust me, it is even more fun when you get to play. Feeling the beat and playing with a supportive group of people is truly an amazing experience. I encourage all Tigers to come check out Taiko Club. No musical experience is required! Taiko Club meets every Tuesday after school in the auditorium, and you can check out past Taiko performances on the Google Classroom with code vpfmix7.
Eco Council
Are you passionate about nature or the environment? If so, check out the Harbord Eco Council. Eco Council organizes exciting and eco-friendly activities and initiatives such as clothing drives and hikes. The HCI Eco Council meets every Wednesday at lunch in room 324. To learn more about Eco Council, join the Google Classroom yibkjii or follow the Instagram account @hci.ecocouncil.
Dance Club
Calling all dancers! Harbord’s Dance Crew is looking for new members who are passionate about dance. The Dance Crew often performs at assemblies like we saw at the Welcome Assembly a few weeks ago. The Dance Crew meets every other Thursday in room 022. To learn more, join the Google Classroom with the code buarlem or follow the Instagram account @hci_dcrew.
Tigertalk (yours truly)
Interested in journalism, photography, or art? Maybe Tigertalk is the place for you. Tigertalk is HCI’s very own school newspaper, the one in which you’re reading this very article right now! Information about Tigertalk meetings can be found on the Google Classroom with code yqhpb2t or on the Instagram account @hcitigertalk. All students are welcome to join.
Student Activity Council (SAC)
Have you ever wondered how Harbord has such amazing school-wide initiatives and extracurriculars? That would be thanks to the Student Activity Council, or SAC. Although executive positions for the 2023-2024 school year have been decided—or are in the election process—SAC meetings are open for all students to attend. SAC meets every Monday at lunch in room 311. Come by to learn more about the happenings of the school community.
Harbord Robotics Team
“Measure once, cut twice” is the motto for Harbord’s Robotics team! The Robotics team is the perfect place for students interested in learning more about Robotics and competing in Robotics competitions. The team’s goal this year is to build a fully-functioning Roomba powered by raspberry pie. The robotics team meets in room 303, yet the meeting dates haven't been announced yet. If you are interested, make sure to keep an eye on your TDSB Connects app or the Instagram @harbord.robotics for updates to come.
Tiger Tech Team
Interested in technology? Need more volunteering opportunities? Check out the Tiger Tech Team, a group of students who take care of HCI’s tech. No experience with technology is required— their Google Classroom code is omgn2vz.
Stem Club
Science! Technology! Engineering! Math! Do any of these pique your interest? Join the Harbord STEM Club and experience fun experiments, exciting field trips, or homework help related to STEM. The STEM Club meets every Tuesday at lunch in room 311. If you are interested in becoming an executive member of the STEM Club make sure to drop by on Tuesday, October 3rd at lunch for more info. Further information can be found on the Instagram account @harbordstemclub or the Google Classroom with code yqmvvcf.
Harbord Business Club
Finally, we have the Harbord Business Club. The Business Club provides students with opportunities related to business! These opportunities will be provided in four strands—Events, Education, Certifications, and External Opportunities! For example, the Business club is planning to compete in multiple competitions, run workshops, and invite guest speakers for the club. The HCI Business Club meets every Wednesday at lunch in room 033. Learn more on the Instagram page @hcibusinessclub or the Google Classroom with code byifqdc.
Whole of Africa and Caribbean Culture Club (WACC)
Did you know that HCI has a very active Black Students Association? They go by the name WACC, the Whole of Africa and Caribbean Culture Club. WACC often does performances at assemblies and leads other advocacy initiatives. Interested in joining? Follow the Instagram @hci_wacc or join the Google Classroom with code fessivr.
As a Grade 9 Student, I am excited by all the opportunities presented to us at HCI! I hope every one of you found at least one club that interests you throughout this article. And new clubs start throughout the year too, so make sure to always check your TDSB Connects app for updates, check out the club board outside of the main office and push yourself to try new things! Have a smashing day Tigers! #RestoreTheRoar
Missing Clubs: Rock the Street Wall Street, Literature Club, Yearbook Club, Fly Guys, Fly Girls, Karaoke Club, Peerleaders, Harbord Response Team, and Choir Club
About Harbord Tigertalk
Welcome to Tigertalk! Harbord Collegiate Institute's very own school newspaper. We bring school connection and student's voices to light through our monthly publications of literature, photography, reporting, interviews, art, and other mixed medias. Our small publication ranges from 10-15 members. Happy Reading!
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